Thank you for your patience with this new referral process. We hope that it will make referral an easier process, and ensure your patients are seen as quickly as possible. The option remains to refer to “First Available” or to a specific pediatrician however all referrals must now be sent to the central referral fax number: 

FAX: 778-787-1470

As always, please reach out to any one of us for telephone consultation if needed, while your patient is waiting. And please direct your patients to the While you Wait resources on the Patients & Families page.

The Referral Form is available on Pathways as well as in your EMR. All pediatricians continue to accept referral letters and/or referral form to the central intake referral fax line.

The CYAN clinic, Pediatric Diabetes clinic, and Eating Disorder Program referrals are outside of the Central Intake process.